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snippet: The release of this database will allow the general public, academia, and earth science professionals to view, evaluate and manipulate geologic data on a continental scale. It is hoped that use of this data, either by itself or in relation to other d
summary: The release of this database will allow the general public, academia, and earth science professionals to view, evaluate and manipulate geologic data on a continental scale. It is hoped that use of this data, either by itself or in relation to other d
extent: [[-179.584855149522,7.38887026457174],[-10.4060983418476,80.9562732215141]]
accessInformation: Garrity, C.P., and Soller, D.R.
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Garrity, C.P., and Soller, D.R., in review, Geologic database of the Geologic Map of North America (v.1.0), adapted from Reed et al. (2005): U.S. Geological Survey Data Product, to be available on CDROM and WWW. [Source map is: Reed, J.C., Wheeler, J.O., and Tucholke, B.E., 2005, Geologic Map of North America, South Sheet, Geological Society of America Continent-Scale Map 001, scale 1:5000000, available at]. Information on digital conversion of this map will, by late August, become available in technical paper by Garrity and Soller, at Preparation for OneGeology WMS by S.M. Richard (Arizona Geological Survey and U.S. Geological Survey), C.P. Garrity (USGS), D.C. Percy (Portland State University and U.S. Geological Survey), and D.R. Soller (USGS)
title: GMNAwebwgs84wms
type: Map Service
tags: ["OneGeology","Northern America","Geology","continent@Northern America","map","united states of america","lithology","lithostratigraphy"]
culture: en-US
name: USGS_Geologic_Map_of_North_America
guid: 5F64EC4C-129A-4DF3-997C-DE45446BAAFE
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984