| Lower Cenozoic continental strata [Clc] (Tertiary continental - U.S. and Caribbean) |
| Lower Cenozoic intrusive rocks [Cli] (Tertiary intrusive rocks - U.S. [Ti], Tertiary plutons - Caribbean [Ti]) |
| Middle Cenozoic volcanic rocks [Cmv] (lower Tertiary volcanic - U.S.[lTv]) |
| Upper Cenozoic clastic rocks [Cuc] |
| Upper Cenozoic volcanic rocks [Cuv] (Tertiary volcanic - U.S. and Caribbean [Tmv, Tv]) |
| Jurassic [J] |
| Triassic and Jurassic [TrJ, JTr] |
| Cretaceous - undifferentiated [K] |
| Cretaceous Intrusive [Ki] (Cretaceous plutons - Caribbean [Ki]) |
| Lower Cretaceous [Kl, lK] |
| Mid-Cretaceous [Km] |
| Upper Cretaceous [Ku, uK] |
| Cretaceous volcanic rocks [Kv] |
| Cretaceous andesitic to silicic volcanic rocks [Kva] |
| Paleozoic - undifferentiated [Pz, M] |
| Mesozoic [Mz] |
| Mesozoic and Paleozoic metasedimentary and metaigneous rocks [MzPzm] |
| Mesozoic amphibolites and associated metasedimentary rocks [Mzb] |
| Mesozoic metavolcanic and associated metasedimentary rocks [Mzg] |
| Mesozoic intrusive rocks [Mzi] |
| Mesozoic metamorphic rocks [Mzm] |
| Permian [P1] |
| Paleozoic granitic rocks [Pzg1] |
| Paleozoic intrusive rocks [Pzi] (Paleozoic mafic intrusive - U.S. [Pzmi], Paleozoic plutons - Caribbean [Pzi]) |
| Lower Paleozoic [Pzl, O] |
| Paleozoic metamorphic rocks [Pzm] (Paleozoic and Precambrian metamorphic rocks - Caribbean [Pzm]) |
| Upper Paleozoic [Pzu, PP] |
| Paleozoic volcanic rocks - Caribbean [Pzv] |
| Quaternary [Q] |
| Quaternary and Tertiary marine limestone, sandstone, and shale [QT] |
| Quaternary and Tertiary continental deposits [QTc] |
| Quaternary volcanic edifices, flows, and pyroclastic deposits [Qv] |
| Quaternary pumice fills and pyroclastic mantles [Qvi] |
| Tertiary and Cretaceous marine strata [TK] |
| Tertiary and Cretaceous continental strata [TKc] |
| Tertiary and Cretaceous plutons, mostly intermediate to silicic [TKi] |
| Tertiary and Cretaceous volcanic rocks [Kva] |
| Tertiary and Cretaceous complex of deformed sedimentary rocks [TKx] |
| Eocene [Te] (Tertiary - U.S. [Te]) |
| Miocene [Tm] |
| Oligocene [To] (Post-Eocene marine strata - Caribbean [uT]) |
| Pliocene [Tpl, Tp] |
| Paleocene [Tpal, Tx] (Eocene and (or) Paleocene - Caribbean [lT]) |
| Triassic [Tr] |
| Undetermined [Und] |
| Water [W] |
| Granitic rocks [Yg2] |
| Sedimentary rocks [Z] |
| Gabbro and related rocks [g] |
| Intrusive rocks, undivided, mostly intermediate to silicic [i] |
| Metamorphic rocks [Ygn] |
| Precambrian [pC] |
| Precambrian metamorphic rocks [pCm] |
| Ultramafic rocks [um, u] |